Mother Earth News Fair Book Release Event

I've been busy finishing up the final edits to the proof of Make Mead Like a Viking, and am wrapping up articles for Earthineer, New Pioneer magazine, Backwoods Home magazine, and who knows what else. I have a brief breather now that most of my work is off to be looked over by editors, proofreaders and other folks I'm lucky enough to work with, so I thought I'd touch base with you good people before the next round of craziness starts. 

The upcoming year is looking to be a life-changing one for me as my book and other new writings begin to make the rounds. I'm excited, and certainly a bit nervous, but the feedback I've been hearing so far has been positive. That should make everything okay, right? One thing that has me particularly stoked is that the first review that came in from the advance copy (for inclusion as a "blurb" on the book inside and/or back cover) is from the "Indiana Jones of Ancient Ales, Wines, and Extreme Beverages" himself, Patrick McGovern, the author of Ancient Wine and Uncorking the Past:

“Jereme Zimmerman has captured the wild spirit of mead quite literally―as the quintessential naturally fermented beverage of humankind from the beginning, which reached its apotheosis with the Vikings. Without compromising its mysterious allure, he brings it down to earth for all to make and enjoy.”

Mr. McGovern has been a strong influence on my writing and his research has been vital in helping me to learn just how the Vikings might have actually made mead. I've enjoyed some great historical beers from Dogfish Head brewery that were crafted by Sam Calagione in collaboration with Mr. McGovern as well. Now to see what some of the other Big Names currently reviewing the book have to say...

Rather than passing along any more of my recipes for this newsletter, I wanted to give a shout-out to Amber of Pixie's Pocket. I've been taking note of her mead and wine recipes for some of my own fermentation experiments and give them the full Yeti Seal of Approval. Her Vanilla Bean Chamomile Mead and Mint Wine recipes in particular are on my to-do list. 

That's it for now. Be sure to scroll down for updates on my upcoming workshops, including my official book-release workshop at the Kansas Mother Earth News Fair...

Upcoming workshops and speaking engagements

This reclusive hobbit-yeti will be leaving his hobbit hole soon for a grand adventure. I'll be promoting my book and spreading the word about the wild-mead movement over the next year and beyond. Here's what I have for now but who knows where I'll be next...

Downtown Richmond (Kentucky) Farmers Market, August 22, 10-12 am

Sorry about the short notice on this one. Yes, it is this coming Saturday. I'll be doing my standard Make Mead Like a Viking presentation, possibly with a few twists. Be sure to stop by the Daggletail Farm booth for some mead soap and other unique soaps while you're there! 

Berea (Kentucky) Farmers Market, September 19

Times and details are still being hammered out but suffice it to say that I'll be there in some capacity from 10-12 am (and beyond) demonstrating vegetable lacto-fermentation, with an emphasis on kraut and kimchi. Yes, I do ferment things other than mead!

Mother Earth News Fair, Topeka, Kansas, October 24-25

This is the big one! Tell your friends! Spread the word! I'll likely be at future Mother Earth News Fairs closer to wherever you happen to live but my publisher will quite literally be dropping off copies of the book hot off the press for this event, so it's bound to be a good one. I'll do what I can to make it memorable. Attendees will also have the option of visiting the bookstore and the Chelsea Green booth to meet me (whoo hoo!) and have their own personal copies of the book signed. 

Skál to y'all!